Aerial Arts
Lyra, or aerial hoop, is a popular, modern-day circus apparatus with so many possibilities! It is a steel circle hung from the ceiling using either one connection point or two.
Come explore this circle as we learn to pose, spin, and fly with it, while also building strength and flexibility that will improve your overall aerial practice and fitness. Our level 1 class is a safe, non-intimidating introduction to those with no prior athletic or aerial experience. Come join us and fall in love with aerial hoop!
Learn more about class levels below and Register Now to get started!
In Level 1 we will get you on the right foot with the very basics – hand grips, terminology, proper form, conditioning, and easy fun poses! No experience or prior athletic background needed – this class is a safe and easy introduction.
Building on foundations from Lyra Level 1, Lyra 2 focuses on conditioning to build new skills, as well as new mounts, dismounts, and inversions. As you build your vocabulary, we will explore short sequences and choreography.
10 second hands free hocks hang
10 second hollow body long hang from top bar (feet not on ground)
Controlled delilah mount
Assisted pull up, 3x on side bar with proper shoulder/core engagement, both sides (supported by feet - not full weight)
You must be approved by an instructor to attend any level above 1.
Building further on skills from Lyra 2, Lyra 3 introduces more strength intensive moves and balances along with poses using fewer points of contact. More advanced mounts will be introduced and we will explore longer transitions between tricks.
5 second short arm hold on sidebar, feet off ground. Both sides.
Ability to tuck knees towards chest and hold in an aerial long hang, 3x.
Controlled toe-tagged, but otherwise clean tuck mount to pike (short-arm) .
Controlled toe-tagged, but otherwise clean straddle mount (short-arm).
Star on bar, ability to tolerate lower back balances.
Level 4 kicks it up a notch by introducing more intricate sequencing, high level strength moves, and taking tricks above the top bar! Every week is different and we will learn from a range of skills such as advanced spinning to momentum based movement.
So you’ve taken a lot of classes, you know a lot of different skills, and now what? Lyrography is for continuing lyra students. This class is intended to give you a space to focus on sequencing and choreographing longer sequences. This is where you can start working on stringing together skills and sequences you already know, experimenting and finding creativity within your body with the hoop and floor, and ultimately putting it all to music. Some weeks will have specific choreography, and some weeks will solely be an idea or character that you will explore. This is a class to push you past static skills and making your movements more intentional.
Aerial silks is a tough, yet elegant fabric that suspends you in the air. While it may seem constricting first, you will find that it allows you to climb, twist, and flip your way into an aerial dance that is more freeing than you can imagine.
Our silks class combines performance skills with strength training. Don’t be intimidated by the workout aspect. Our intro class will help you build the strength you need to go as far as you want in your aerial adventure.
Learn more about class levels below or Register Now to get started!
In Level 1 we will get you on the right foot with the very basics – proper form practice, conditioning, and some easy fun moves! No athletic or silks background or experience required – this class is a safe and easy introduction.
Start getting more air! Increase your strength and flexibility while having fun! Learn new climbs, footlocks, basic wraps, and simple poses. Explore new shapes and begin developing sequences.
Build on your knowledge of basic climbing and footlocks, wraps, and simple poses – furthering your foundation and preparing you for more advanced moves.
Note: this level is currently 3+ to allow for upper level variations for more advanced students.
This class is for advanced students in Silks.
Silks 4 Prerequisites:
Clean unassisted inversion in the air
Fan kick hipkey in the air
Can climb to the ceiling with same or opposite side knee hook climb
Can reliably wrap catchers (open and closed) and s-wrap
Can enter front and back balance, does not need to be a solid hold
Unlike Silks, which uses two separate strands of fabric suspended from a single point, Aerial Sling is a looped piece of fabric that hangs from the ceiling that you can move, invert, and perform poses on.
Often seen as the happy medium between our hard apparatuses and silks, sling offers the softness of the fabrics as the apparatus medium, but the easier entry barrier of the horizontal surface with the loop for even the most beginner student. Come explore the fun world of wraps, drops, and Sling theory while building your strength, grace, and body awareness!
Learn more about class levels below or Register Now to get started!
Aerial Sling Level 1 is for those who have never touched a sling before! We will become acquainted with sitting in the sling, introduce inversions, begin with basic wraps, and slow controlled movements that integrate with Sling theory. In addition, we will start working to build base strength to set you up for a long, healthy aerial practice.
This class is designed for those students who have taken several Aerial Sling Level 1 classes and want to further their skills! We will be working on more advanced wraps, more inversions, splits and drops. Oh my! Sling theory will be covered in more detail and students will learn all the basic wrap dynamics.
Suited for intermediate/advanced students. Aerial Sling Level 3 is a multifaceted class that goes over use of both short and long sling choreography and vocabulary. Students will expect to learn intricate wraps, drops, and long sequences. Also covered will be stamina and strength building choreography. Students must be very comfortable in the air.
Let’s flow on aerial sling! This is an intermediate class for level 2 students and up. Sling (or “hammock”) is an aerial silk tied into a loop, creating a versatile apparatus that’s quickly growing in popularity. Each class, we’ll work on conditioning (core strength, grip strength, flexibility, alignment), spin technique, and aerial dance choreography. You’ll hone your musicality and performance quality, learn how to seamlessly transition from one “trick” to another, be exposed to small drops and tumbles, and leave each class with a short, gorgeous sling sequence.
Aerial Yoga class is for absolute beginners and seasoned practitioners. The class is designed using the sling combined with a regular yoga (vinyasa) class. The combination allows access to more poses and assists with alignment, balance, strength and inversions. This class will cover all the basics so students can feel safe in the air and more centered on the ground. This class focuses on restorative movement, not skills or tricks, to open hips, shoulders, hamstrings and back while also building core and body awareness for full body wellness.
Welcome to the most iconic apparatus of the circus! This form of trapeze ("static" trapeze) focuses on movements and skills utilizing the bar and the ropes to make beautiful shapes and fun combinations! These classes focus on solo skills, unlike "flying" trapeze - which you might be picturing - which trains partner catch and release. We will also work on "dance" trapeze where both ropes are connected to a single point to allow the trapeze to spin instead of just swing or fun, beautiful aerial dance!
Learn more about class levels below or Register Now to get started!
Trapeze Level 1 will get you comfortable with hanging upside-down and holding your own weight. We will cover foundational trapeze tricks and poses. In Level 1 we will get you on the right foot with the very basics – proper form practice, conditioning, and some easy fun moves! No athletic or trapeze background or experience required – this class is a safe and easy introduction.
Building on foundations from Trapeze Level 1,Trapeze 2 focuses on conditioning to enable more complex skills, new mounts, dismounts, and inversions. As you build your vocabulary and strength, we will begin to explore more sequencing too!
Trapeze 3 continues to polish the fundamentals from the previous levels, but also introduces skills that require greater strength and mobility. The class will start to work on sequences designed to help students build up the stamina needed to stay in the air for longer periods of time.
This class is all about duo trapeze technique - the art of pausing gravity. We will learn how to work effortlessly with a partner using proper technique. We will focus on strength and endurance. This class is geared to basing and flying techniques. We encourage coming to class with a partner who you will work with through the class.
Intermediate/advanced in trapeze (Level 2 or 3)
3 pullups
Comfortable inverting in the air
Comfortable in a pullover in the air
Experience in catchers or flying
No previous rope experience required, but rope in and of itself is not a beginner apparatus. Students should have at least 1 year experience on any other apparatus and general body awareness in the air. We’ll cover the basics of momentum, wraps, and small drops.
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No previous rope experience required, but rope in and of itself is not a beginner apparatus. Students should have at least 1 year experience on any other apparatus and general body awareness in the air. We’ll cover the basics of momentum, wraps, and small drops.
20 second long arm hang on any apparatus (no wrist wraps)
Aerial invert on any apparatus
Helpful but not required - ability to climb silks
Now that momentum isn’t a mystery and wraps don’t hurt your brain, let’s apply those pathways to longer sequences and using dynamics to help our skills. Students must have some rope experience and be solidly comfortable in the air on at least one apparatus.
Welcome to your new favorite apparatus! Each class we will review a couple pole basics, spend some time learning to control the movement of the pole, and play with a few tricks and transitions. It is recommended that you have some pole experience, but other aerial experience also works.
Learn more about class levels below or Register Now to get started!
Welcome to your new favorite challenge apparatus 🙂 This class will introduce you to the movement and control of aerial pole, as well as a breadth of pole positions, moves, and transitions. This class will take moves from traditional pole and apply them to the aerial apparatus, while learning new skills such as spins and orbits. This is not a class for a beginner pole dancer or aerialist, it is assumed you have prior knowledge and skill. We will be working on some inverted skills and non-hand grips (elbows, knees, armpit, etc) in this class, but an invert is not necessary.
You must have taken multiple aerial classes in any other aerial art, and be at least a strong and experienced level 2 or higher. This is because you will need to be able to hold your weight with your hands in a short arm (pullup) position, and work on inverted skills. If you have any questions about if this class would be a good fit for you or not, please contact Lache.
Examples of moves we will learn/cover:
Inversion conditioning, climbs, sits, skater, figure head, teddy, basic pole spin positions, side V, Jasmine, outside leg hang, inside leg hang, laybacks
Introduction to spinning, swinging, and orbit control and various ways to create those movements, stabilize in them, with safe entry and exit
So you're ready to bring the fire to your aerial pole game? This is the class for you. In this class we will learn the complex ins and outs of high level pole moves and sequences while moving through the air on our pole and with the hand loop. As this is advanced, the sky is the limit, but know that all moves will be presented wih variations and progressions to meet each student where they are <3
Aerial invert
Shoulder mount lift (tuck or hangman)
Both leg hangs
Any layback
Any solid sideways or inverted bracket (e.g. regular butterfly, apprentice)
Combo of at least 4 moves during a spin and as well as in an orbit